As the Texas wine industry continues to thrive, we are looking for members who hold to the mission we have set forth: To promote and protect the integrity of Texas wine by making wines solely from grapes grown in the terroir of Texas. 

Established in 2017 by eight founding wineries, Texas Wine Growers works to accomplish that mission through the education of consumers about Texas wine and on the importance of truth in labeling, the support of Texas agriculture through the use of Texas grapes in Texas wineries, and in the spirit of cooperation to propel the industry forward by making wines that exhibit true Texas terroir. 

In 2017, Texas Wine Growers joined Wine Origins Alliance, a global group that works to raise awareness about the importance of location to winemaking and the need to protect the integrity of wine region names around the world. With 23 other wineries and grape-growing organizations globally, Texas Wine Growers joined the ranks of Napa Valley Vintners Association and Comité Champagne among others.

If you share in the desire to see TWG’s mission accomplished, please consider joining us.

Texas Wine Advocate


Join the Texas Wine Grower Advocate Members and become a champion for Texas wine, a liquid embodiment of resilience, innovation, and Texan hospitality.

Business Partner


If you are a wine industry or tourist related business that provides products and services to vineyards, wineries or wine consumers, you can become a sponsor of Texas Wine Growers. Join us to help grow and scale your business and the Texas wine industry.

Grape Grower


The relationship between the grape grower and the wine maker is an integral part of providing the best wines our state has to offer. If you are a grape grower and want to provide grapes to 100% Texas wineries and support the Texas wine industry then consider becoming a member.



When it comes to wine, there is no ingredient more important than location. As the Texas wine industry continues to thrive, we are looking for members who hold to the mission we have set forth: To promote and protect the integrity of Texas wine by making wines solely from grapes grown in the terroir of Texas. 

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